Gary’s Spiritual Gift Assessment Test

The #1 gift as revealed through the test is very likely your primary gift. The next two are the secondary and tertiary gifts. They are the two most likely gifts that are used to bring about the primary. For example, Barnabas, the Encourager, was known to use Giving and Teaching to Encourage the brethren (Acts. 4:36-37; 11:22-24). The lowest would obviously be the weakest and the greatest possible area of abuse or neglect in relating to others.

Top 3:

1. Teacher: 14
2. Encourager: 13
3. Shepherd: 12

All Scores:

1. Teacher: 14
2. Encourager: 13
3. Shepherd: 12
4. Giver: 11
5. Administrator: 10
6. Mercy Giver: 8
7. Servant: 6
8. Evangelist: 5
9. Missionary: 5
10. Prophet: 4

Your Form Selections:
1. I am direct in speaking to people about being wrong. Sometimes
2. I am not afraid to give advice to my peers.: Often
3. I love sharing good news to others.: Often
4. When I am comfortable with a plan, then I move into action.: Often
5. I am ready to try the impossible because I know things will work out.: Often
6. I have the capacity to identify when something is wrong.: Often
7. It seems easy to learn difficult subjects.: Often
8. I identify with the the forgotten of society.: Always
9. I am concerned about the comfort of others.: Often
10. I am willing to do a variety of odd jobs to meet the needs of others.: Often
11. People with problems come to me for advice.: Often
12. I adapt to cultures different from mine.: Often
13. I readily share information about my beliefs.: Often
14. I am emotionally hurt when people do wrong.: Often
15. I give my money and possessions without expecting anything in return.: Often
16. I feel the need to make people feel welcome.: Always
17. Others tell me how much they appreciate my concern for them.: Always
19. I recognize the needs of others and move to meet them.: Often
20. I feel compelled to smile when around others.: Always
21. People follow my leadership.: Often
22. I am a good manager of money.: Always
23. I feel a sense of adventure when traveling.: Often
24. I emotionally feel a need to help those in poverty, the physically sick or lonely.: Often
25. I enjoy evaluating results from studies and research.: Sometimes
26. I look for ways to better communicate my thoughts.: Always
27. I hold a positive outlook on life.: Always
28. People say they learn a lot when I teach.: Always
29. I gravitate towards the outcast of society.: Often
30. I have no problem leaving my possessions behind.: Always
31. I have a readiness to help if there is a job that needs to be done.: Often
32. People view me as impatient with others.: Rarely
33. I enjoy education and learning.: Always
34. I am concerned about making a good first impression.: Always
35. I am motivated by people more than tasks.: Often
36. It is hard for me to say “No” when asked to help.: Rarely
37. I enjoy watching personal growth in individuals.: Always
38. I make difficult thoughts easy to understand.: Always
39. I enjoy delegating responsibilities to others.: Often
40. I double-check to make sure my facts are correct.: Always
41. I feel compelled to expose society’s ills.: Sometimes
42. People view me as being gentle.: Often
43. I feel the need to help when people are financially in need.: Sometimes
44. I enjoy assisting others who are in charge.: Often
45. I readily see the potential in others.: Always
46. Long-term relationships are important to me.: Often
47. I have a desire to know people from other cultures.: Sometimes
48. I cause people to feel positive about themselves.: Always
49. I hurt when knowing others are in pain.: Often
50. I am not emotionally attached to my possessions.: Always
51. I make friends quickly.: Often
52. I readily take on obstacles of life.: Often
53. I am content to perform jobs that are considered unimportant by others.: Often
54. People value my answers to their questions.: Often
55. Taking responsibility for planning is not difficult for me.: Always
56. I am pessimistic about society.: Rarely
57. I am comfortable pressing people to make a decision.: Sometimes
58. I willingly sacrifice to help others meet their needs.: Often
59. I desire to help when called upon.: Always
60. I build confidence in those who are unsure of themselves.: Always
61. I like working with my hands when I am able.: Sometimes
62. I enjoy food from other cultures.: Sometimes
63. I enjoy organizing people, ideas and events.: Always
64. I seek to understand the emotional swings of those going through painful experiences.: Often
65. I know things work out in the end.: Always
66. I believe that training is vital to improvement.: Always
67. I can tell when a person is lying to me.: Often
68. I enjoy giving anonymously.: Always
69. I enjoy working with facts and figures.: Often
70. Taking time for friends and family is extremely important.: Always
71. I am willing to learn whatever is necessary in order to help others.: Always
72. I tend to be the “life of the party”.: Rarely
73. I emotionally connect to those around me.: Often
74. I tend to take charge within groups.: Often
75. I feel the need to share my possessions.: Often
76. I enjoy having people in my home.: Always
77. I am sensitive toward others who are in trouble or crisis.: Often
78. I easily learn other languages easily.: Rarely
79. I love to debate.: Rarely
80. I speak my opinion even when it is unpopular.: Often

 Spiritual Giftedness Explanation

To Christians in the city of Corinth, Paul wrote: “Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant” (I Corinthians 12:1). The Greek word used by Paul for “spiritual gifts” is “pneumatikon” which literally means “spirituals.” The context shows that these “spirituals” were gifts and abilities that were given to Christians by the Lord and supported/influenced by the Holy Spirit.

Paul was writing this section to correct the problem of ignorance in connection with the use of spiritual gifts. Knowing your gifts and how to use them to glorify God is an important aspect to being a Christian. More than likely, there will be some things that you prefer more than others in terms of gifts which causes you to lean one way or the other. Jesus had all the gifts and used them throughout his ministry very effectively.

The spiritual gifts comparison chart below hopes to provide a graphical representation of how the various gifts fit within a psychological framework. There are many different variations of spiritual gift scenarios out there but this one provides a reasonably simple to understand representation for our study.


There are essentially two styles of gifts in our analysis; speaking gifts and serving gifts.

The speaking gifts tend to be associated with those who are able to convincingly deliver a message based on sound principles and a understanding of God’s word.

The serving gifts tend to be associated with those who are able to appeal to emotions based on relationships and with a sensitivity towards personal needs.

Generally speaking, people who are more extroverted tend to be leaders among a group of people. Whether they are Confronters, Missionaries, Teachers or Evangelists, they are typically outspoken concerning matters religious.

On the other hand, people who are quieter or more introverted typically represent those who are Servants, Mercy Givers, Encouragers or Givers.

The Subjective and Objective parts simply show that those people who are more subjective in thought tend to do less Bible study and apply more prayer to a situation.

While those who are more objective in thought tend to do more Bible study and pray less under similar circumstances. These are general characteristics and do not suggest that any one method is greater or less than the other or that one applies to a particular gift or other, its just a general pattern of behavior.


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